Legacy Documentation: Version 2017.2 (Go to current version)
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public method RangeProperty(prop: MaterialProperty, label: string): float;
public float RangeProperty(MaterialProperty prop, string label);
public method RangeProperty(position: Rect, prop: MaterialProperty, label: string): float;
public float RangeProperty(Rect position, MaterialProperty prop, string label);


label Label for the property.
prop The property to edit.
position Position and size of the range slider control.


Draw a range slider for a range shader property.

To create a custom material editor, first you need to create the custom editor class and save it in the Assets/Editor folder, then reference the class name in your shader. For example:

no example available in JavaScript
 CustomEditor "MaterialRangePropertyExample"

Here is an example showing a Range slider, affecting the shader's Glossiness property:

#pragma strict
public class MaterialRangePropertyExample extends MaterialEditor {
	public override function OnInspectorGUI() {
		var matShader: SerializedProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Shader");
		if (!isVisible)return ;
		var mat: Material = target as Material;
		var Glossiness: MaterialProperty = GetMaterialProperty([mat], "_Glossiness");
		if (Glossiness == null)return ;
		RangeProperty(Glossiness, "Glossiness");
		if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MaterialRangePropertyExample : MaterialEditor { public override void OnInspectorGUI( ) { serializedObject.Update( ); SerializedProperty matShader = serializedObject.FindProperty( "m_Shader" );

if( !isVisible ) return;

Material mat = target as Material; MaterialProperty Glossiness = GetMaterialProperty( new Object[] { mat }, "_Glossiness" );

if( Glossiness == null ) return;

EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck( );

RangeProperty( Glossiness, "Glossiness" );

if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck( ) ) PropertiesChanged( ); } }

Here is a similar example, using the Rect parameter to position and size the slider control within the custom material editor pane:

#pragma strict
public class MaterialRangePropertyWithRectExample extends MaterialEditor {
	public override function OnInspectorGUI() {
		var matShader: SerializedProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Shader");
		if (!isVisible)return ;
		var mat: Material = target as Material;
		var Glossiness: MaterialProperty = GetMaterialProperty([mat], "_Glossiness");
		if (Glossiness == null)return ;
		RangeProperty(new Rect(20, 60, 300, 20), Glossiness, "Glossiness");
		if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MaterialRangePropertyWithRectExample : MaterialEditor { public override void OnInspectorGUI( ) { serializedObject.Update( ); SerializedProperty matShader = serializedObject.FindProperty( "m_Shader" );

if( !isVisible ) return;

Material mat = target as Material; MaterialProperty Glossiness = GetMaterialProperty( new Object[] { mat }, "_Glossiness" );

if( Glossiness == null ) return;

EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck( );

RangeProperty( new Rect( 20, 60, 300, 20 ), Glossiness, "Glossiness" );

if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck( ) ) PropertiesChanged( ); } }

This is what the example editor pane looks like:

Example material editor in Inspector.

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