The desired position of the window in screen space.
Setting this value will undock the window if it is docked.
Create an undocked editor window with position.
no example available in JavaScript
// The position of the window is displayed when it is // external from Unity.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
public class PositionExample : EditorWindow { Vector2Int p1; bool showBtn = true;
[MenuItem("Examples/position")] static void Init() { GetWindow<PositionExample>("position"); }
void OnGUI() { Rect r = position; GUILayout.Label("Position: " + r.x + "x" + r.y);
p1 = EditorGUILayout.Vector2IntField("Set the position:", p1); if (showBtn) { if (GUILayout.Button("Accept new position")) { r.x = p1.x; r.y = p1.y;
position = r; } } } }