Legacy Documentation: Version 2018.2 (Go to current version)
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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public bool Raycast(Vector3 screenPoint, List<XRRaycastHit> hitResults, Experimental.XR.TrackableType trackableTypeMask);


screenPointThe screen point from which to cast.
hitResultsThe resulting list of XRRaycastHit.
trackableTypeMaskAn optional mask of TrackableType to raycast against.


Casts a ray from a screen point against selected trackables (e.g., planes and feature points).

Casts a ray from a screen position against selected trackables in the scene. trackableTypeMask defaults to TrackableType.All.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR;
public class RaycastExample : MonoBehaviour
    public XRRaycast xrRaycast;
    private List<XRRaycastHit> m_RaycastHits = new List<XRRaycastHit>();
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            // Only raycast against feature points and the exact plane boundries
            var hitMask = TrackableType.FeaturePoint | TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon;
            if (xrRaycast.Raycast(Input.mousePosition, m_RaycastHits, hitMask))
                Debug.Log("Hit something!");

public static void Raycast(Ray ray, Experimental.XR.XRDepthSubsystem depthSubsystem, Experimental.XR.XRPlaneSubsystem planeSubsystem, List<XRRaycastHit> hitResults, Experimental.XR.TrackableType trackableTypeMask, float pointCloudRaycastAngleInDegrees);


rayThe Ray to use.
depthSubsystemThe XRDepthSubsystem to raycast against. May be null.
planeSubsystemThe XRPlaneSubsystem to raycast against. May be null.
hitResultsThe resulting list of XRRaycastHit.
trackableTypeMaskAn optional mask of TrackableType to raycast against.
pointCloudRaycastAngleInDegreesWhen raycasting against feature points, cast a cone with this angle.


Casts a ray using ray against selected trackables (e.g., planes and feature points).

Use this method to raycast against selected trackables in the scene. trackableTypeMask defaults to TrackableType.All.

When raycasting against TrackableType.FeaturePoint, Unity uses a cone defined by pointCloudRaycastAngleInDegrees. It defaults to 5 degrees.

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