Version: 2018.4
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEngine.Experimental.XR


Inherits from:Experimental.IntegratedSubsystem


Implemented in:UnityEngine.XRModule

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Provides methods, events, and properties that provides information about planes detected in the environment.


LastUpdatedFrameThe frame during which the planes were last updated.

Public Methods

GetAllPlanesGet all the BoundedPlanes currently tracked by the system.
TryGetPlaneGet a BoundedPlane by TrackableId
TryGetPlaneBoundaryTry to retrieve a list of positions in device space describing the current plane boundary.


PlaneAddedRaised for each BoundedPlane that has been added in the current frame.
PlaneRemovedRaised for each BoundedPlane that has been removed in the current frame.
PlaneUpdatedRaised for each plane that has been updated in the current frame.

Inherited Members

Public Methods

DestroyDestroys this instance of a subsystem.
StartStarts an instance of a subsystem.
StopStops an instance of a subsystem.