Defines state and drawing commands that custom render pipelines use.
When you define a custom RenderPipeline, you use a ScriptableRenderContext to schedule and submit state updates and drawing commands to the GPU.
A RenderPipeline.Render method implementation typically culls objects that the render pipeline doesn't need to render for every Camera (see CullingResults), and then makes a series of calls to ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers intermixed with ScriptableRenderContext.ExecuteCommandBuffer calls. These calls set up global Shader properties, change render targets, dispatch compute shaders, and other rendering tasks. To actually execute the render loop, call ScriptableRenderContext.Submit.
See Also: RenderPipeline.
BeginRenderPass | Schedules the beginning of a new render pass. Only one render pass can be active at any time. |
BeginScopedRenderPass | Schedules the beginning of a new render pass. If you call this a using-statement, Unity calls EndRenderPass automatically when exiting the using-block. Only one render pass can be active at any time. |
BeginScopedSubPass | Schedules the beginning of a new sub pass within a render pass. If you call this in a using-statement, Unity executes EndSubPass automatically when exiting the using-block. Render passes can never be standalone, they must always contain at least one sub pass. Only one sub pass can be active at any time. |
BeginSubPass | Schedules the beginning of a new sub pass within a render pass. Render passes can never be standalone, they must always contain at least one sub pass. Only one sub pass can be active at any time. |
Cull | Performs culling based on the ScriptableCullingParameters typically obtained from the Camera currently being rendered. |
DrawGizmos | Schedules the drawing of a subset of Gizmos (before or after post-processing) for the given Camera. |
DrawRenderers | Schedules the drawing of a subset of visible GameObjects. |
DrawShadows | Schedules the drawing of shadow casters for a single Light. |
DrawSkybox | Schedules the drawing of the skybox. |
EndRenderPass | Schedules the end of a currently active render pass. |
EndSubPass | Schedules the end of the currently active sub pass. |
ExecuteCommandBuffer | Schedules the execution of a custom graphics Command Buffer. |
ExecuteCommandBufferAsync | Schedules the execution of a Command Buffer on an async compute queue. The ComputeQueueType that you pass in determines the queue order. |
SetupCameraProperties | Schedules the setup of Camera specific global Shader variables. |
StartMultiEye | Schedules a fine-grained beginning of stereo rendering on the ScriptableRenderContext. |
StereoEndRender | Schedule notification of completion of stereo rendering on a single frame. |
StopMultiEye | Schedules a stop of stereo rendering on the ScriptableRenderContext. |
Submit | Submits all the scheduled commands to the rendering loop for execution. |
EmitWorldGeometryForSceneView | Emits UI geometry into the Scene view for rendering. |