Version: 2019.4
Visual Studio Editor
WebGL Publisher

Vuforia Engine AR

com.ptc.vuforia.engine 2019.4 verified 


Vuforia Engine is the most widely used platform for AR development, with support for leading phones, tablets, and eyewear. Developers can easily add advanced computer vision functionality to Android, iOS, and UWP apps, to create AR experiences that realistically interact with objects and the environment.

Version information

Verified for Unity

Package version 8.1.12 is verified for Unity Editor version 2019.4.

Compatible with Unity

These package versions are available in Unity version 2019.4:

Documentation location: State Versions available:
com.ptc.vuforia.engine@8.5 compatible 8.5.8, 8.5.9
com.ptc.vuforia.engine@8.3 compatible 8.3.9
com.ptc.vuforia.engine@8.1 verified 8.1.12


vuforia , engine , ar , xr , augmented , reality , sdk

Visual Studio Editor
WebGL Publisher