Enum indicating the reason why connection to remote device has failed.
None | No failure. |
Unknown | Couldn't identify the reason why connection failed. |
NoServerCertificate | No certificate for the app attempting to remote. |
HandshakePortBusy | Handshake port is in use by another application. |
HandshakeUnreachable | Handshake connection could not be estabilished because the device could not be found. |
HandshakeConnectionFailed | Handshake connection could not be established between application and device. |
AuthenticationFailed | User authentication could not be verified. |
RemotingVersionMismatch | The remoting app on device is not supported by the version used in the remoting player. |
IncompatibleTransportProtocols | Incompatible network protocol used. |
HandshakeFailed | Handshake failed while traying to establish connection with remote device. |
TransportPortBusy | Transport port is already in use. |
TransportUnreachable | Could not find a device to establish data transfer with. |
TransportConnectionFailed | Could not establish a connection to transport data between device and application. |
ProtocolVersionMismatch | Protocol used by the app does not match remoting app running on remote device. |
ProtocolError | The network protocol encounted an error. |
VideoCodecNotAvailable | The video codec used is unsupported by the remoting app on device. |
Canceled | Connect manually cancelled. |
ConnectionLost | Enum indicating the reason why remote connection failed. |
DeviceLost | Connection to the device was lost. Primarily seen when the device loses user presence. |
DisconnectRequest | Disconnect requested manually by the user. |