Provides access to user input from hands, controllers, and system voice commands.
InteractionSourceDetected | Occurs when a new hand, controller, or source of voice commands has been detected. |
InteractionSourceDetectedLegacy | Occurs when a new hand, controller, or source of voice commands has been detected. |
InteractionSourceLost | Occurs when a hand, controller, or source of voice commands is no longer available. |
InteractionSourceLostLegacy | Occurs when a hand, controller, or source of voice commands is no longer available. |
InteractionSourcePressed | Occurs when a hand or controller has entered the pressed state. |
InteractionSourcePressedLegacy | Occurs when a hand or controller has entered the pressed state. |
InteractionSourceReleased | Occurs when a hand or controller has exited the pressed state. |
InteractionSourceReleasedLegacy | Occurs when a hand or controller has exited the pressed state. |
InteractionSourceUpdated | Occurs when a hand or controller has experienced a change to its SourceState. |
InteractionSourceUpdatedLegacy | Occurs when a hand or controller has experienced a change to its SourceState. |
SourceEventHandler | Callback to handle InteractionManager events. |