Version: 2020.2
  • C#

Plane Constructor

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public Plane(Vector3 inNormal, Vector3 inPoint);


Creates a plane.

Resulting plane has normal inNormal and goes through a point inPoint.

inNormal must be a normalized vector.

public Plane(Vector3 inNormal, float d);


Creates a plane.

Resulting plane has normal inNormal and distance d.

The distance is measured from the Plane to the origin, along the Plane's normal.

Note, this means a positive value for distance results in the Plane facing towards the origin. A negative distance value results in the Plane facing away from the origin.

inNormal must be a normalized vector.

public Plane(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c);


Creates a plane.

The resulting plane goes through the given three points. The points go around clockwise as you look down on the top surface of the plane.