Version: 2020.3
Language : English
Remote Actions
NetworkBehaviour callbacks

Network Manager callbacks

There are a number of events that can occur over the course of the normal operation of a multiplayer game, such as the host starting up, a player joining, or a player leaving. Each of these possible events has an associated callback that you can implement in your own code to take action when the event occurs.

To do this for the Network ManagerA Networking component that manages the network state of a project. More info
See in Glossary
, you need to create your own script which inherits from NetworkManager. You can then override the virtual methods on NetworkManager with your own implementation of what should happen when the given event occurs.

This page lists all the virtual methods (the callbacks) that you can implement on the Network Manager, and when they occur. The callbacks that occur, and the order they occur, vary slightly depending on whether your game is running in LAN mode or Internet (matchmaker) mode, so each mode’s callbacks are listed separately below.

LAN Callbacks

These are the callbacks that occur when the game is running on a Local Area Connection (LAN). A game can be running in one of three modes, host, client, or server-only. The callbacks for each mode are listed below:

LAN callbacks in host mode:

When the host is started:

  • Start() function is called

  • OnStartHost

  • OnStartServer

  • OnServerConnect

  • OnStartClient

  • OnClientConnect

  • OnServerSceneChanged

  • OnServerReady

  • OnServerAddPlayer

  • OnClientSceneChanged

When a client connects:

  • OnServerConnect

  • OnServerReady

  • OnServerAddPlayer

When a client disconnects:

  • OnServerDisconnect

When the host is stopped:

  • OnStopHost

  • OnStopServer

  • OnStopClient

LAN callbacks in client mode

When the client starts:

  • Start() function is called

  • OnStartClient

  • OnClientConnect

  • OnClientSceneChanged

When the client stops:

  • OnStopClient

  • OnClientDisconnect

LAN callbacks in server mode

When the server starts:

  • Start() function is called

  • OnStartServer

  • OnServerSceneChanged

When a client connects:

  • OnServerConnect

  • OnServerReady

  • OnServerAddPlayer

When a client disconnects:

  • OnServerDisconnect

When the server stops:

  • OnStopServer

MatchMaker connection callbacks

These are the callbacks which occur when the game is running in Internet mode (i.e. when you are using the MatchMaker service to find and connect to other players. In this mode, a game can be running in one of two modes, host, or client. The callbacks for each mode are listed below:

MatchMaker callbacks in host mode

When the host starts:

  • Start() function is called

  • OnStartHost

  • OnStartServer

  • OnServerConnect

  • OnStartClient

  • OnMatchCreate

  • OnClientConnect

  • OnServerSceneChanged

  • OnServerReady

  • OnServerAddPlayer

  • OnClientSceneChanged

When a client connects:

  • OnServerConnect

  • OnServerReady

  • OnServerAddPlayer

When a client disconnects:

  • OnServerDisconnect

MatchMaker callbacks in client mode

When receiving a list of online game instances:

  • Start() function is called

  • OnMatchList

When joining a match:

  • OnStartClient

  • OnMatchJoined

  • OnClientConnect

  • OnClientSceneChanged

When the host stops:

  • OnStopClient

  • OnClientDisconnect

Remote Actions
NetworkBehaviour callbacks