Version: 2020.3
  • C#



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Modes available for submitting when making a render request.


NoneDefault value for a request.
ObjectIdThe render request outputs an object InstanceID buffer.
DepthThe render request outputs a depth value.
VertexNormalThe render request outputs the interpolated vertex normal.
WorldPositionThe render request outputs a world position buffer.
EntityIdThe render request outputs an entity id.
BaseColorThe render request outputs the materials albedo / base color.
SpecularColorThe render request returns the materials specular color buffer.
MetallicThe render outputs the materials metal value.
EmissionThe render request outputs the materials emission value.
NormalThe render request outputs the per pixel normal.
SmoothnessThe render request returns the materials smoothness buffer.
OcclusionThe render request returns the material ambient occlusion buffer.
DiffuseColorThe render request outputs the materials diffuse color.