Version: 2020.3
  • C#


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public static PackageManager.Requests.ListRequest List();


public static PackageManager.Requests.ListRequest List(bool offlineMode);


public static PackageManager.Requests.ListRequest List(bool offlineMode, bool includeIndirectDependencies);


offlineMode Specifies whether or not the Package Manager requests the latest information about the project's packages from the remote Unity package registry. When offlineMode is true, the PackageInfo objects in the PackageCollection returned by the Package Manager contain information obtained from the local package cache, which could be out of date.
includeIndirectDependencies Set to true to include indirect dependencies in the PackageCollection returned by the Package Manager. Indirect dependencies include packages referenced in the manifests of project packages or in the manifests of other indirect dependencies. Set to false to include only the packages listed directly in the project manifest.
Note: The version reported might not match the version requested in the project manifest. For more information, see Dependency and resolution.


ListRequest A ListRequest instance, which you can use to monitor the asynchronous operation, and retrieve the result when the operation is complete.


Lists the packages the project depends on.

List() is an asynchronous operation. When the operation is complete, the Result property of the returned ListRequest object references a PackageCollection object describing the packages used in the current project.