Version: 2020.3
  • C#


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public void SetHolesDelayLOD(int xBase, int yBase, bool[,] holes);


xBase First x index of Terrain holes samples to set.
yBase First y index of Terrain holes samples to set.
holes Array of Terrain holes samples to set (array indexed as [y,x]).


Sets an array of Terrain holes samples.

Sets Terrain holes data using a two-dimensional array of Terrain holes samples. The samples are represented as bool values: true for surface and false for hole. The array dimensions define the area affected, which starts at xBase and yBase. The Terrain holes array is indexed as [y,x].

Unlike TerrainData.SetHoles, this method does not update LOD information for the Terrain, or any tree/vegetation objects; this means that some tree/vegetation objects might still be present over holes, but makes the method fast enough to be used in interactive editing scenarios. After modifications to the Terrain are complete - for example, when the user releases the mouse button - call TerrainData.SyncTexture and use TerrainData.HolesTextureName as a Texture name to update all LOD and vegetation information.