Version: 2021.1
  • C#


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public static byte[] EncodeToJPG(Texture2D tex, int quality);


public static byte[] EncodeToJPG(Texture2D tex);


tex Text texture to convert.
quality JPG quality to encode with, 1..100 (default 75).


Encodes this texture into JPG format.

The returned byte array is the JPG "file". You can write them to disk to get the JPG file, send them over the network, etc.

This function works only on uncompressed, non-HDR texture formats. You must enable the texture's Read/Write Enabled flag in the Texture Import Settings. The encoded JPG data will have no alpha channel, and for single-channel red textures ( R8, R16, RFloat and RHalf ) the encoded JPG data will be in 8-bit grayscale.

// Saves screenshot as JPG file.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

public class JPGScreenSaver : MonoBehaviour { // Take a shot immediately IEnumerator Start() { yield return SaveScreenJPG(); }

IEnumerator SaveScreenJPG() { // Read the screen buffer after rendering is complete yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

// Create a texture in RGB24 format the size of the screen int width = Screen.width; int height = Screen.height; Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);

// Read the screen contents into the texture tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); tex.Apply();

// Encode the texture in JPG format byte[] bytes = tex.EncodeToJPG(); Object.Destroy(tex);

// Write the returned byte array to a file in the project folder File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/../SavedScreen.jpg", bytes); } }