Version: 2021.2
  • C#



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This enum describes what should be done on the render target when it is activated (loaded).

When the GPU starts rendering into a render target, this setting specifies the action that should be performed on the existing contents of the surface. Tile-based GPUs may get performance advantage if the load action is Clear or DontCare. The user should avoid using RenderBufferLoadAction.Load whenever possible.

Please note that not all platforms have load/store actions, so this setting might be ignored at runtime. Generally mobile-oriented graphics APIs (OpenGL ES, Metal) take advantage of these settings.


LoadWhen this RenderBuffer is activated, preserve the existing contents of it. This setting is expensive on tile-based GPUs and should be avoided whenever possible.
ClearUpon activating the render buffer, clear its contents. Currently only works together with the RenderPass API.
DontCareWhen this RenderBuffer is activated, the GPU is instructed not to care about the existing contents of that RenderBuffer. On tile-based GPUs this means that the RenderBuffer contents do not need to be loaded into the tile memory, providing a performance boost.