The following table lists the USS properties in UI(User Interface) Allows a user to interact with your application. Unity currently supports three UI systems. More info
See in Glossary Toolkit.
The table indicates which properties are inherited and their animatability. For an inherited property, the element gets the value from its parent element if you don’t specify a value for it. The following example uses an inherited property to set the font for all elements.
:root {
-unity-font: resource("Font/consola.ttf");
Click the property name to see detailed information about that property.
Note: The usage of a USS property that’s the same as the CSS property links to the Mozilla developer documentation.
Property | Inherited | Animatability | Description |
align-content |
No | Discrete | Alignment of the whole area of children on the cross axis if they span over multiple lines in this container. |
align-items |
No | Discrete | Alignment of children on the cross axis of this container. |
align-self |
No | Discrete | Similar to align-items, but only for this specific element. |
all |
No | Fully animatable | Allows resetting all properties with the initial keyword. Does not apply to custom USS properties. |
background-color |
No | Fully animatable | Background color to paint in the element’s box. |
background-image |
No | Discrete | Background image to paint in the element’s box. |
border-bottom-color |
No | Fully animatable | Color of the element’s bottom border. |
border-bottom-left-radius |
No | Fully animatable | The radius of the bottom-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element’s box. |
border-bottom-right-radius |
No | Fully animatable | The radius of the bottom-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element’s box. |
border-bottom-width |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. |
border-color |
No | Fully animatable | Shorthand for border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, border-left-color |
border-left-color |
No | Fully animatable | Color of the element’s left border. |
border-left-width |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. |
border-radius |
No | Fully animatable | Shorthand for border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-right-radius, border-bottom-left-radius |
border-right-color |
No | Fully animatable | Color of the element’s right border. |
border-right-width |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. |
border-top-color |
No | Fully animatable | Color of the element’s top border. |
border-top-left-radius |
No | Fully animatable | The radius of the top-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element’s box. |
border-top-right-radius |
No | Fully animatable | The radius of the top-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element’s box. |
border-top-width |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. |
border-width |
No | Fully animatable | Shorthand for border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, border-left-width |
bottom |
No | Fully animatable | Bottom distance from the element’s box during layout. |
color |
Yes | Fully animatable | Color to use when drawing the text of an element. |
cursor |
No | Non-animatable | Mouse cursor to display when the mouse pointer is over an element. |
display |
No | Discrete | Defines how an element is displayed in the layout. |
flex |
No | Fully animatable | Shorthand for flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis |
flex-basis |
No | Fully animatable | Initial main size of a flex item, on the main flex axis. The final layout might be smaller or larger, according to the flex shrinking and growing determined by the other flex properties. |
flex-direction |
No | Discrete | Direction of the main axis to layout children in a container. |
flex-grow |
No | Fully animatable | Specifies how the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. |
flex-shrink |
No | Fully animatable | Specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. |
flex-wrap |
No | Discrete | Placement of children over multiple lines if not enough space is available in this container. |
font-size |
Yes | Fully animatable | Font size to draw the element’s text, specified in point size. |
height |
No | Fully animatable | Fixed height of an element for the layout. |
justify-content |
No | Discrete | Justification of children on the main axis of this container. |
left |
No | Fully animatable | Left distance from the element’s box during layout. |
letter-spacing |
Yes | Fully animatable | Increases or decreases the space between characters. |
margin |
No | Fully animatable | Shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left |
margin-bottom |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the bottom edge of the margin during the layout phase. |
margin-left |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the left edge of the margin during the layout phase. |
margin-right |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the right edge of the margin during the layout phase. |
margin-top |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the top edge of the margin during the layout phase. |
max-height |
No | Fully animatable | Maximum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. |
max-width |
No | Fully animatable | Maximum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. |
min-height |
No | Fully animatable | Minimum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. |
min-width |
No | Fully animatable | Minimum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. |
opacity |
No | Fully animatable | Specifies the transparency of an element and of its children. |
overflow |
No | Discrete | How a container behaves if its content overflows its own box. |
padding |
No | Fully animatable | Shorthand for padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left |
padding-bottom |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the bottom edge of the padding during the layout phase. |
padding-left |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the left edge of the padding during the layout phase. |
padding-right |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the right edge of the padding during the layout phase. |
padding-top |
No | Fully animatable | Space reserved for the top edge of the padding during the layout phase. |
position |
No | Discrete | Element’s positioning in its parent container. |
right |
No | Fully animatable | Right distance from the element’s box during layout. |
rotate |
No | Fully animatable | A rotation transformation. |
scale |
No | Fully animatable | A scaling transformation. |
text-overflow |
No | Discrete | The element’s text overflow mode. |
text-shadow |
Yes | Fully animatable | Drop shadow of the text. |
top |
No | Fully animatable | Top distance from the element’s box during layout. |
transform-origin |
No | Fully animatable | The transformation origin is the point around which a transformation is applied. |
transition |
No | Non-animatable | Shorthand for transition-delay, transition-duration, transition-property, transition-timing-function |
transition-delay |
No | Non-animatable | Duration to wait before starting a property’s transition effect when its value changes. |
transition-duration |
No | Non-animatable | Time a transition animation should take to complete. |
transition-property |
No | Non-animatable | Properties to which a transition effect should be applied. |
transition-timing-function |
No | Non-animatable | Determines how intermediate values are calculated for properties modified by a transition effect. |
translate |
No | Fully animatable | A translate transformation. |
-unity-background-image-tint-color |
No | Fully animatable | Tinting color for the element’s backgroundImage. |
-unity-background-scale-mode |
No | Discrete | Background image scaling in the element’s box. |
-unity-font |
Yes | Discrete | Font to draw the element’s text, defined as a Font object. |
-unity-font-definition |
Yes | Discrete | Font to draw the element’s text, defined as a FontDefinition structure. It takes precedence over -unity-font . |
-unity-font-style |
Yes | Discrete | Font style and weight (normal, bold, italic) to draw the element’s text. |
-unity-overflow-clip-box |
No | Discrete | Specifies which box the element content is clipped against. |
-unity-paragraph-spacing |
Yes | Fully animatable | Increases or decreases the space between paragraphs. |
-unity-slice-bottom |
No | Fully animatable | Size of the 9-slice’s bottom edge when painting an element’s background image. |
-unity-slice-left |
No | Fully animatable | Size of the 9-slice’s left edge when painting an element’s background image. |
-unity-slice-right |
No | Fully animatable | Size of the 9-slice’s right edge when painting an element’s background image. |
-unity-slice-scale |
No | Fully animatable | Scale applied to an element’s slices. |
-unity-slice-top |
No | Fully animatable | Size of the 9-slice’s top edge when painting an element’s background image. |
-unity-text-align |
Yes | Discrete | Horizontal and vertical text alignment in the element’s box. |
-unity-text-outline |
No | Fully animatable | Outline width and color of the text. |
-unity-text-outline-color |
Yes | Fully animatable | Outline color of the text. |
-unity-text-outline-width |
Yes | Fully animatable | Outline width of the text. |
-unity-text-overflow-position |
No | Discrete | The element’s text overflow position. |
visibility |
Yes | Discrete | Specifies whether or not an element is visible. |
white-space |
Yes | Discrete | Word wrap over multiple lines if not enough space is available to draw the text of an element. |
width |
No | Fully animatable | Fixed width of an element for the layout. |
word-spacing |
Yes | Fully animatable | Increases or decreases the space between words. |