Bitmask used for operating with debug data from the NavMesh build process.
Used in two situations:
Additional resources: NavMeshBuildSettings.
Property | Description |
None | No debug data from the NavMesh build process is taken into consideration. |
InputGeometry | The triangles of all the geometry that is used as a base for computing the new NavMesh. |
Voxels | The voxels produced by rasterizing the source geometry into walkable and unwalkable areas. |
Regions | The segmentation of the traversable surfaces into smaller areas necessary for producing simple polygons. |
RawContours | The contours that follow precisely the edges of each surface region. |
SimplifiedContours | Contours bounding each of the surface regions, described through fewer vertices and straighter edges compared to RawContours. |
PolygonMeshes | Meshes of convex polygons constructed within the unified contours of adjacent regions. |
PolygonMeshesDetail | The triangulated meshes with height details that better approximate the source geometry. |
All | All debug data from the NavMesh build process is taken into consideration. |