Provides access to application runtime data.
This class contains static methods for looking up information about and controlling the runtime data.
Property | Description |
absoluteURL | The URL of the document. For WebGL, this a web URL. For Android, iOS, or Universal Windows Platform (UWP) this is a deep link URL (Read Only). |
backgroundLoadingPriority | Priority of background loading thread. |
buildGUID | Returns a GUID for this build (Read Only). |
cloudProjectId | A unique cloud project identifier. It is unique for every project (Read Only). |
companyName | Returns application company name (Read Only). |
consoleLogPath | Returns the path to the console log file, or an empty string if the current platform does not support log files. |
dataPath | Contains the path to the game data folder on the target device (Read Only). |
genuine | Returns false if application is altered in any way after it was built. |
genuineCheckAvailable | Returns true if application integrity can be confirmed. |
identifier | Returns application identifier at runtime. |
installerName | Returns the name of the store or package that installed the application (Read Only). |
installMode | Returns application install mode (Read Only). |
internetReachability | Returns the type of internet reachability currently possible on the device. |
isBatchMode | Returns true when Unity is launched with the -batchmode flag from the command line (Read Only). |
isConsolePlatform | Is the current Runtime platform a known console platform. |
isEditor | Whether the game is running inside the Unity Editor (Read Only). |
isFocused | Whether the Player currently has focus (Read-only). |
isMobilePlatform | Identifies whether the current Runtime platform is a known mobile platform. |
isPlaying | Returns true when called in any kind of built Player, or when called in the Editor in Play Mode (Read Only). |
persistentDataPath | Contains the path to a persistent data directory (Read-only). |
platform | Returns the platform the game is running on (Read Only). |
productName | Returns application product name (Read Only). |
runInBackground | Determines whether the Player should run when the application is in the background |
sandboxType | Returns application running in a sandbox environment (Read-only). |
streamingAssetsPath | The path to the StreamingAssets folder (Read Only). |
systemLanguage | The language in which the user's operating system is running in. |
targetFrameRate | Specifies the target frame rate at which Unity tries to render your game. |
temporaryCachePath | Contains the path to a temporary data / cache directory (Read Only). |
unityVersion | The version of the Unity runtime used to play the content. |
version | Returns application version number (Read Only). |
Method | Description |
CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded | Checks if the streamed level can be loaded. |
GetBuildTags | Returns an array of feature tags in use for this build. |
GetStackTraceLogType | Get stack trace logging options. The default value is StackTraceLogType.ScriptOnly. |
HasProLicense | Is Unity activated with the Pro license? |
HasUserAuthorization | Check if the user has authorized use of the webcam or microphone in the Web Player. |
IsPlaying | Returns true if the given object is part of the playing world either in any kind of built Player or in Play Mode. |
OpenURL | Opens the URL specified, subject to the permissions and limitations of your app’s current platform and environment. |
Quit | Quits the Player application. |
RequestAdvertisingIdentifierAsync | Request an advertising ID for iOS and UWP. |
RequestUserAuthorization | Request authorization to use the webcam or microphone on iOS and WebGL. |
SetBuildTags | Set an array of feature tags for this build. |
SetStackTraceLogType | Set stack trace logging options. The default value is StackTraceLogType.ScriptOnly. |
Unload | Unloads the Unity Player. |
Event | Description |
deepLinkActivated | This event is raised when an application running on Android, iOS, or the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is activated using a deep link URL. |
focusChanged | Defines the delegate to use to register for events in which the focus gained or lost. |
logMessageReceived | Event that is fired if a log message is received. |
logMessageReceivedThreaded | Event that is fired if a log message is received. |
lowMemory | The Application._lowMemory event occurs when your application receives a low-memory notification from the device it is running on. |
onBeforeRender | Delegate method used to register for "Just Before Render" input updates for VR devices. |
quitting | Unity raises this event when the Player application is quitting. |
unloading | Unity raises this event when the Player is unloading. |
wantsToQuit | Unity raises this event when the Player application wants to quit. |
Delegate | Description |
AdvertisingIdentifierCallback | Delegate method for fetching advertising ID. |
LogCallback | Use this delegate type with Application.logMessageReceived or Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded to monitor what gets logged. |
LowMemoryCallback | This is the delegate function when a mobile device notifies of low memory. |