Property |
Description |
assetPath | Path where the Asset will be placed. |
enablePostProcessor | When set to true, the AssetPostprocessor hooks will be called during texture generation. The following will hold for any AssetPostprocessors triggered through TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture
- When the postprocessor is invoked AssetPostprocessor.assetPath will be set to the assetPath value in this structure.
- The value of AssetPostprocessor.context will be set to null.
- Only OnPostprocessTexture, OnPostprocessCubemap, ... is called. The OnPreprocessTexture functions are not called.
platformSettings | Platform settings for generating the texture. |
qualifyForSpritePacking | Indicates if the Sprite generated can be used for atlas packing. |
secondarySpriteTextures | Secondary textures for the generated Sprites. |
sourceTextureInformation | Texture format for the image data. |
spriteImportData |
Sprite Asset generation data. |
spritePackingTag | Tag used for Sprite packing. |
textureImporterSettings | Settings for generating texture. |