Lets you programmatically build players or AssetBundles which can be loaded from the web.
Property | Description |
isBuildingPlayer | Is a player currently being built? |
Method | Description |
BuildAssetBundle | Builds an asset bundle. |
BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames | Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets. |
BuildAssetBundles | Build all AssetBundles specified in the editor. |
BuildCanBeAppended | Checks if Unity can append the build. |
BuildPlayer | Builds a player. |
GetBuildTargetName | Given a BuildTarget will return the well known string representation for the build target platform. |
GetCRCForAssetBundle | Extract the crc checksum for the given AssetBundle. |
GetHashForAssetBundle | Extract the hash for the given AssetBundle. |
GetPlaybackEngineDirectory | Returns the path of a player directory. For ex., Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer.In some cases the player directory path can be affected by BuildOptions.Development. |
GetPlayerConnectionInitiateMode | Returns the mode currently used by players to initiate a connect to the host. |
IsBuildTargetSupported | Returns true if the specified build target is currently available in the Editor. |