Allows to control the dynamic Global Illumination.
Additional resources: RendererExtensions.UpdateGIMaterials, TerrainExtensions.UpdateGIMaterials.
Property | Description |
indirectScale | Allows for scaling the contribution coming from real-time & baked lightmaps.Note: this value can be set in the Lighting Window UI and it is serialized, that is not the case for other properties in this class. |
isConverged | Is precomputed Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination output converged? |
materialUpdateTimeSlice | The number of milliseconds that can be spent on material updates. |
synchronousMode | When enabled, new dynamic Global Illumination output is shown in each frame. |
updateThreshold | Determines the percentage change in lighting intensity that triggers Unity to recalculate the real-time lightmap. |
Method | Description |
SetEmissive | Allows to set an emissive color for a given renderer quickly, without the need to render the emissive input for the entire system. |
SetEnvironmentData | Allows overriding the distant environment lighting for Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination, without changing the Skybox Material. |
UpdateEnvironment | Schedules an update of the environment cubemap. |
UpdateMaterials | Schedules an update of the albedo and emissive textures of a system that contains the renderer or the terrain. |