Property |
Description |
areaSizeX | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
areaSizeY | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
bakedShadowAngleProp | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
bakedShadowRadiusProp | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
bounceIntensity | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
color | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
colorTemperature | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
cookie | The light cookie texture used by the light. |
cookieProp | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
cookieSize | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
cullingMask | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
flare | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
halo | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
innerSpotAngle | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
intensity | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
isAreaLightType | Is the current light an area light or not. Area lights include Rectangle and Disc lights. |
isBakedOrMixed | Is the current light baked or mixed. |
isCompletelyBaked | Is the light completely baked. |
isMixed | Is the current light mixed. |
isRealtime | Is the light real-time? |
light | The light being inspected. |
lightmapping | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
lightShape | This property describes the shape of the spot light. Only Scriptable Render Pipelines use this property; the built-in renderer does not support it. |
lightType | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
range | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
renderingLayerMask | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
renderMode | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
shadowsBias | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
shadowsNearPlane | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
shadowsNormalBias | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
shadowsResolution | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
shadowsStrength | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
shadowsType | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
spotAngle | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |
useColorTemperature | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Light. |