Describes the culling information for a given shadow split (e.g. directional cascade).
Property | Description |
maximumCullingPlaneCount | The maximum number of culling planes. |
Property | Description |
cullingPlaneCount | The number of culling planes. |
cullingSphere | The culling sphere. The first three components of the vector describe the sphere center, and the last component specifies the radius. |
shadowCascadeBlendCullingFactor | A multiplier applied to the radius of the culling sphere.Values must be in the range 0 to 1. With higher values, Unity culls more objects. Lower makes the cascades share more rendered objects. Using lower values allows blending between different cascades as they then share objects. |
Method | Description |
GetCullingPlane | Gets a culling plane. |
SetCullingPlane | Sets a culling plane. |