Search view flags used to open the Object Picker in various states.
Property | Description |
None | The Search Picker window will be opened using default options. |
Debug | The Search Picker window reports debugging information while running queries. |
NoIndexing | The Search Picker window will ignore any indexed search entry while executing the search query. |
Packages | The Search Picker window will include results from packages. |
OpenLeftSidePanel | The Search Picker window will open with the Saved Searches panel open. |
OpenInspectorPreview | The Search Picker window will open with the Preview Inspector open. |
Centered | The Object Picker window will open centered in the main Editor window. |
HideSearchBar | The Search Picker window will hide the Search field. This means the user will not be able to edit the initial search query used to open the Search window. |
CompactView | The Object Picker window will open in compact list view. |
ListView | The Search Picker window will open in list view. |
GridView | The Search Picker window will open in grid view. |
TableView | The Search Picker window will open in table view. |
EnableSearchQuery | This flag enables the use of the Saved Searches workflow in the Search Picker window. |
DisableInspectorPreview | This flag disables the use of the Inspector Preview in the Search Picker window. |
DisableSavedSearchQuery | When creating a new search window, this flag can be used to disable the saved search query side panel. |
OpenInBuilderMode | This flag forces the picker to open in builder mode. |
OpenInTextMode | This flag forces the picker to open in text mode. |
DisableBuilderModeToggle | This flag disables the ability to switch between text mode and builder mode. |
Borderless | Opens a search window without any borders. This is useful to open the search window as a popup window for a quick pick. |