Where to place the cursor in the text. (see ISearchView.SetSearchText).
[MenuItem("Examples/ISearchView/SetSearchText_WithCursorPosition")] public static void SetSearchText_WithCursorPosition() { var view = SearchService.ShowContextual("asset"); view.SetSearchText("t:material", TextCursorPlacement.MoveLineStart); }
Property | Description |
None | Do not move the cursor. |
MoveLineEnd | Move the cursor to the end of the line of text. |
MoveLineStart | Move the cursor to the beginning of the line of text. |
MoveToEndOfPreviousWord | Move the cursor to the end of the previous word. |
MoveToStartOfNextWord | Move the cursor to the start of the previous word. |
MoveWordLeft | Move the cursor one word to the left. |
MoveWordRight | Move the cursor one word to the right. |
MoveAutoComplete | Default cursor position (end of the line of text). |
Default | Do not move the cursor. |