Stores platform specifics settings of a TextureImporter.
Additional resources: TextureImporter.
Property | Description |
allowsAlphaSplitting | Allows Alpha splitting on the imported texture when needed (for example ETC1 compression for textures with transparency). |
androidETC2FallbackOverride | Override for ETC2 decompression fallback on Android devices that don't support ETC2. |
compressionQuality | The quality of Crunch texture compression. The range is 0 through 100. A higher quality means larger textures and longer compression times. |
crunchedCompression | Use crunch compression when available. |
format | Format of imported texture. |
maxTextureSize | Maximum texture size. |
name | Name of the build target. |
overridden | Set to true in order to override the Default platform parameters by those provided in the TextureImporterPlatformSettings structure. |
resizeAlgorithm | For Texture to be scaled down choose resize algorithm. ( Applyed only when Texture dimension is bigger than Max Size ). |
textureCompression | Compression of imported texture. |
Method | Description |
CopyTo | Copy parameters into another TextureImporterPlatformSettings object. |