Property |
Description |
AccessWiFiInformation | Definition of the Access WiFi Information capability requirements. |
AppGroups | Definition of the App Groups capability requirements. |
ApplePay | Definition of the Apple Pay capability requirements. |
AssociatedDomains | Definition of the Associated Domains capability requirements. |
BackgroundModes | Definition of the Background Modes capability requirements. |
DataProtection | Definition of the Data Protection capability requirements. |
GameCenter | Definition of the GameCenter capability requirements. |
GameControllersTVOS | Definition of the tvOS Game Controller capability requirements. |
HealthKit | Definition of the HealthKit capability requirements. |
HomeKit | Definition of the HomeKit capability requirements. |
iCloud | Definition of the iCloud capability requirements. |
InAppPurchase | Definition of the In-App Purchase capability requirements. |
InterAppAudio | Definition of the Inter-App Audio capability requirements. |
KeychainSharing | Definition of the Keychain Sharing capability requirements. |
Maps | Definition of the Maps capability requirements. |
PersonalVPN | Definition of the Personal VPN capability requirements. |
PushNotifications | Definition of the Push Notifications capability requirements. |
SignInWithApple | Definition of the Sign in with Apple capability requirements. |
Siri | Definition of the Siri capability requirements. |
Wallet | Definition of the Wallet capability requirements. |
WirelessAccessoryConfiguration | Definition of the Wireless Accessory Configuration capability requirements. |