XR is an umbrella term that includes the following types of applications:
The span between VR to AR is a continuum, with MR falling somewhere in the middle, depending on the capabilities of a particular device and the intent of your application.
This documentation discusses how to develop XR applications in Unity:
Topic | Description |
XR support in Unity | An overview of how Unity supports XR development |
Project set up | How to set up a project for an XR game or application |
XR development in Unity | How to create, run, and build XR apps |
XR graphics | XR-specific graphics topics |
XR input | XR-specific input topics |
Unity XR SDK | About the SDK available to headset and device makers for adding support for their hardware to Unity |
Topic | Description |
XR Interaction Toolkit samples | Github repository with code samples using the XR Interation Toolkit |
AR Foundation Samples | Github repository of code samples using AR Foundation |
Unity Learn | Unity Learn topics about XR |
Unity Forum | The Unity forum for XR |
Unity Blog | XR posts on the Unity Blog |
What is AR, VR, MR, XR, 360? | A glossary of XR terms |