Version: 2022.2
  • C#


class in UnityEngine.Android


Inherits from:CustomYieldInstruction


Implemented in:UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule

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Represents an asynchronous Android asset pack download operation. AndroidAssetPacks.DownloadAssetPackAsync returns an instance of this class.

You can yield until the operation completes, or manually check whether it's done using isDone or keepWaiting properties. You can also track the progress of the operation using the progress property. See Also: AndroidAssetPacks.DownloadAssetPackAsync.


downloadedAssetPacksGets the names of Android asset packs downloaded by this operation.
downloadFailedAssetPacksGets the names of Android asset packs that failed to download.
isDoneChecks if the operation is finished.
keepWaitingChecks if the operation is still running.
progressGets the progress of the operation.

Inherited Members


keepWaitingIndicates if coroutine should be kept suspended.