Version: 2022.2
  • C#

EditorToolAttribute Constructor

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public EditorToolAttribute(string displayName, Type componentToolTarget, Type editorToolContext);


public EditorToolAttribute(string displayName, Type componentToolTarget);


displayName The name to display in menus.
componentToolTarget Set to the type that this tool can edit. Set to null if the tool is not a Component tool.
editorToolContext Set to the EditorToolContext type that this tool is related to. When an EditorTool defines an editorToolContext scope, the tool is not shown in menus and must be activated by the EditorToolContext.ResolveTool method.


Registers an EditorTool as either a Global tool or a CustomEditor tool.

A Global tool is always available in the toolbar menu. A CustomEditor tool is only available when the current selection contains a matching target type.