Multiplayer Services sessions for the Unity Engine

Note: The Multiplayer Services SDK uses sessions to manage groups of players. Sessions relies internally on different combinations of Unity Gaming Services such as Relay, Distributed Authority, Lobby, Matchmaker and Multiplay Hosting, and thus contributes to the billing of those services.

The Multiplayer Services package is a one-stop solution for adding multiplayer elements to a game developed in Unity 6.

The Unity Gaming Services (UGS) Multiplayer solutions power these elements to define how players interact in your games through sessions, which represent groups of players that are connected together for a set period of time during a multiplayer game. Sessions work with either the Netcode for GameObjects or the Netcode for Entities networking libraries.

Install and upgradeInstall the Multiplayer Services package, and upgrade any individual services' SDKs to the unified Multiplayer Services SDK.
Get startedLearn the different methods to add sessions-based multiplayer functionality to your game.
Sessions tutorials with Unity NetcodeCreate simple multiplayer games using Unity Netcode solutions to learn key concepts, such as sessions and how to join them.
Working with the Multiplayer Services SDKLearn about different ways to configure a multiplayer game programmatically.
Migrate to the Multiplayer Services SDKLearn how to migrate from using individual UGS SDKs to the unified Multiplayer Services SDK.
Deploying Multiplayer configurationsLearn about the configuration items provided by the Multiplayer Services SDK, and how to use the Deployment window to deploy them directly from the Unity Editor.
ReferenceLearn about any related foundational information.