Building options. Multiple options can be combined together.
Additional resources: BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer.
Property | Description |
None | Perform the specified build without any special settings or extra tasks. |
Development | Build a development version of the player. |
AutoRunPlayer | Run the built player. |
ShowBuiltPlayer | Show the built player. |
BuildAdditionalStreamedScenes | Build a compressed asset bundle that contains streamed Scenes loadable with the UnityWebRequest class. |
AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer | Used when building Xcode (iOS) or Eclipse (Android) projects. |
CleanBuildCache | Clear all cached build results, resulting in a full rebuild of all scripts and all player data. |
ConnectWithProfiler | Start the player with a connection to the profiler in the editor. |
AllowDebugging | Allow script debuggers to attach to the Player remotely. You can debug your scripts only if you use BuildOptions.Development. |
SymlinkSources | Symlink sources when generating the project. This is useful if you're changing source files inside the generated project and want to bring the changes back into your Unity project or a package. |
UncompressedAssetBundle | Don't compress the data when creating the asset bundle. |
ConnectToHost | Sets the Player to connect to the Editor. |
CustomConnectionID | Determines if the player should be using the custom connection ID. |
BuildScriptsOnly | Only build the scripts in a Project. |
PatchPackage | Patch a Development app package rather than completely rebuilding it.Supported platforms: Android. |
ForceEnableAssertions | Include assertions in the build. By default, the assertions are only included in development builds. |
CompressWithLz4 | Use chunk-based LZ4 compression when building the Player. |
CompressWithLz4HC | Use chunk-based LZ4 high-compression when building the Player. |
StrictMode | Do not allow the build to succeed if any errors are reporting during it. |
IncludeTestAssemblies | Build will include Assemblies for testing. |
NoUniqueIdentifier | Will force the buildGUID to all zeros. |
WaitForPlayerConnection | Sets the Player to wait for player connection on player start. |
EnableCodeCoverage | Enables code coverage. You can use this as a complimentary way of enabling code coverage on platforms that do not support command line arguments. |
EnableDeepProfilingSupport | Enables Deep Profiling support in the player. |
DetailedBuildReport | Generates more information in the BuildReport. |
ShaderLivelinkSupport | Enable Shader Livelink support. |