Describes the transform of a Terrain detail object.
Additional resources: TerrainData.ComputeDetailInstanceTransforms.
Property | Description |
posX | The X coordinate of the detail object in the Terrain's local space. To get the X in world space, add this value to position X of the Terrain. |
posY | The Y coordinate of the detail object in the Terrain's local space. To get the Y in world space, add this value to position Y of the Terrain. |
posZ | The Z coordinate of the detail object in the Terrain's local space. To get the Z in world space, add this value to position Z of the Terrain. |
rotationY | The angle, in radians, at which the detail object rotates around the Y-axis. |
scaleXZ | The X and Z scale values of the detail object. These two values are always the same. |
scaleY | The Y scale value of the detail object. |