Structure describing a Unity Package.
Either a reference to a package in a registry, to a revision of a source repository, a resource on the net or to a package available on disk.
Property | Description |
assetPath | The asset path of the package in the AssetDatabase. |
author | An AuthorInfo instance of the author of the package. |
category | Category of the package. |
changelogUrl | The custom URL for the changelog for the package. |
datePublished | The date and time at which the package was published. |
dependencies | An array of DependencyInfos listing all the packages this package directly depends on. |
deprecationMessage | Deprecation message for the version that this instance represents. |
description | Detailed description of the package. |
displayName | Friendly display name of the package. |
documentationUrl | The custom URL for documentation for the package. |
errors | The errors associated with the package. |
git | A GitInfo instance providing detailed information for a Git package. |
isDeprecated | Set to `true` if the package version that this instance represents is deprecated. |
isDirectDependency | If the package is a direct dependency of the project. |
keywords | An array of keywords associated with the package. |
licensesUrl | The custom URL for the licenses of a package. |
name | Unique name of the package. |
packageId | Identifier of the package. |
registry | The registry where the Package Manager might find this package. |
repository | A RepositoryInfo instance containing information the repository that the package is hosted on. |
resolvedDependencies | An array of DependencyInfo instances listing all the packages this package directly or indirectly depends on and the versions they resolved to. |
resolvedPath | The local path of the project on disk. |
source | Source of the package contents. |
type | Type of the package. |
version | Version of the package. |
versions | A VersionsInfo instance containing information about the available versions of the package. |
Method | Description |
FindForAssembly | Retrieves information about the package containing an assembly, or the assembly definition used to build that assembly. |
FindForAssetPath | Retrieves information about the package containing an asset based on the path of that asset. |
FindForPackageName | Retrieves information about the package based on the name of that package. |
GetAllRegisteredPackages | Retrieves information about all packages that are currently loaded. |
IsPackageRegistered | Checks if a specific package is registered with the UnityEditor.AssetDatabase. |