Use the PlayableGraph to manage Playable creations and destructions.
The PlayableGraph is also the link to different systems, through structs that implement IPlayableOutput. For example, AnimationPlayableOutput or AudioPlayableOutput.
Method | Description |
Connect | Connects two Playable instances. |
Destroy | Destroys the graph. |
DestroyOutput | Destroys the PlayableOutput. |
DestroyPlayable | Destroys the Playable. |
DestroySubgraph | Destroys the Playable and all its inputs, recursively. |
Disconnect | Disconnects the Playable. The connections determine the topology of the PlayableGraph and how it is evaluated. |
Evaluate | Evaluates all the PlayableOutputs in the graph, and updates all the connected Playables in the graph. |
GetEditorName | Returns the name of the PlayableGraph. |
GetOutput | Get PlayableOutput at the given index in the graph. |
GetOutputByType | Get PlayableOutput of the requested type at the given index in the graph. |
GetOutputCount | Returns the number of PlayableOutput in the graph. |
GetOutputCountByType | Get the number of PlayableOutput of the requested type in the graph. |
GetPlayableCount | Returns the number of Playable owned by the Graph. |
GetResolver | Returns the table used by the graph to resolve ExposedReferences. |
GetRootPlayable | Returns the Playable with no output connections at the given index. |
GetRootPlayableCount | Returns the number of Playable owned by the Graph that have no connected outputs. |
GetTimeUpdateMode | Returns how time is incremented when playing back. |
IsDone | Indicates that a graph has completed its operations. |
IsPlaying | Indicates that a graph is presently running. |
IsValid | Returns true if the PlayableGraph has been properly constructed using PlayableGraph.CreateGraph and is not deleted. |
Play | Plays the graph. |
SetResolver | Changes the table used by the graph to resolve ExposedReferences. |
SetTimeUpdateMode | Changes how time is incremented when playing back. |
Stop | Stops the graph, if it is playing. |
Method | Description |
Create | Creates a PlayableGraph. |