Property |
Description |
empty | Indicates of the search query is empty. This exclude the search filter id. In example if the search text is h: , then this property will still return true. |
filterId | Explicit filter ID. Usually it is the first search token like h:, p: to do an explicit search for a given search provider. Can be null. |
focusedWindow | Editor window that initiated the search. |
options | Search context options. |
progressId | Progress handle to display the progress bar for the search currently in progress. |
providers | Which search providers are active for this particular context. |
searchInProgress | Indicates if an asynchronous search is currently in progress for this context. |
searchPhrase | Returns a phrase that contains only words separated by spaces. |
searchQuery | Processed search query (no filterId, no textFilters). |
searchQueryOffset | Character offset of the processed search query in the raw search text. |
searchText | Raw search text (what is in the Search text box). |
searchView | The search view presenting the search results. |
searchWords | Search query tokenized by words. All text filters are discarded and all words are in lowercase. |
selection | Returns the search result selection if any. |
textFilters | All tokens containing a colon (':'). |
wantsMore | Indicates if the search should return all the results instead of only the most relevant. |