A struct that stores the settings for TextGeneration.
Property | Description |
alignByGeometry | Use the extents of glyph geometry to perform horizontal alignment rather than glyph metrics. |
color | The base color for the text generation. |
font | Font to use for generation. |
fontSize | Font size. |
fontStyle | Font style. |
generateOutOfBounds | Continue to generate characters even if the text runs out of bounds. |
generationExtents | Extents that the generator will attempt to fit the text in. |
horizontalOverflow | What happens to text when it reaches the horizontal generation bounds. |
lineSpacing | The line spacing multiplier. |
pivot | Generated vertices are offset by the pivot. |
resizeTextForBestFit | Should the text be resized to fit the configured bounds? |
resizeTextMaxSize | Maximum size for resized text. |
resizeTextMinSize | Minimum size for resized text. |
richText | Allow rich text markup in generation. |
scaleFactor | A scale factor for the text. This is useful if the Text is on a Canvas and the canvas is scaled. |
textAnchor | How is the generated text anchored. |
updateBounds | Should the text generator update the bounds from the generated text. |
verticalOverflow | What happens to text when it reaches the bottom generation bounds. |