class in UnityEngine.UIElements
Inherits from:UIElements.CallbackEventHandler
Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule
Base class for objects that can get the focus.
The focus is used to designate an element that will receive keyboard events.
Property | Description |
canGrabFocus | Return true if the element can be focused. |
delegatesFocus | Whether the element should delegate the focus to its children. |
focusable | True if the element can be focused. |
focusController | Return the focus controller for this element. |
tabIndex | An integer used to sort focusables in the focus ring. Must be greater than or equal to zero. |
Method | Description |
Blur | Tell the element to release the focus. |
Focus | Attempt to give the focus to this element. |
Method | Description |
HasBubbleUpHandlers | Return true if event handlers for the event propagation BubbleUp phase have been attached on this object. |
HasTrickleDownHandlers | Returns true if event handlers, for the event propagation TrickleDown phase, are attached to this object. |
RegisterCallback | Adds an event handler to the instance. If the event handler has already been registered for the same phase (either TrickleDown or BubbleUp) then this method has no effect. |
SendEvent | Sends an event to the event handler. |
UnregisterCallback | Remove callback from the instance. |
Method | Description |
ExecuteDefaultAction | Executes logic after the callbacks registered on the event target have executed, unless the event has been marked to prevent its default behaviour. EventBase{T}.PreventDefault. |
ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget | Executes logic after the callbacks registered on the event target have executed, unless the event is marked to prevent its default behaviour. EventBase{T}.PreventDefault. |