Interface to access a TextElement selection and cursor information This interface is not meant to be implemented explicitly as its declaration might change in the future.
Property | Description |
cursorColor | Color of the cursor. |
cursorIndex | This is the cursor index in the text presented. |
cursorPosition | The position of the text cursor inside the element"/>. |
doubleClickSelectsWord | // Controls whether double clicking selects the word under the mouse pointer or not. // |
isSelectable | Returns true if the field is selectable. |
selectIndex | This is the selection index in the text presented. |
selectionColor | Background color of selected text. |
tripleClickSelectsLine | // Controls whether triple clicking selects the entire line under the mouse pointer or not. // |
Method | Description |
HasSelection | Return true is the TextElement has a selection. |
SelectAll | Selects all the text contained in the field. |
SelectNone | Remove selection |
SelectRange | Select text between cursorIndex and selectIndex. |