class in UnityEngine.UIElements
Inherits from:UIElements.BaseTreeViewController
Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule
Multi-column tree view controller. View controllers of this type are meant to take care of data virtualized by any MultiColumnTreeView inheritor.
Property | Description |
columnController | The column controller, taking care of operations on the header. |
Method | Description |
Dispose | Unregisters events and removes the header from the hierarchy. |
Property | Description |
baseTreeView | View for this controller, cast as a BaseTreeView. |
itemsSource | Items for this tree. Contains items that are expanded in the tree. |
itemsSource | The items source stored in a non-generic list. |
view | The view for this controller. |
Method | Description |
CollapseAll | Collapses all items in the tree and refreshes the view. |
CollapseItem | Collapses the item with the specified ID, hiding its children. Allows to collapse the whole hierarchy under that item. |
CollapseItemByIndex | Collapses the item with the specified index, hiding its children. Allows to collapse the whole hierarchy under that item. |
ExpandAll | Expands all items in the tree and refreshes the view. |
ExpandItem | Expands the item with the specified ID, making its children visible. Allows to expand the whole hierarchy under that item. |
ExpandItemByIndex | Expands the item with the specified index, making his children visible. Allows to expand the whole hierarchy under that item. |
GetAllItemIds | Returns all item IDs that can be found in the tree, optionally specifying root IDs from where to start. |
GetChildIndexForId | Gets the child index under the parent of the item with the specified ID. |
GetChildrenIds | Get all children of a specific ID in the tree. |
GetChildrenIdsByIndex | Gets the children IDs of the item with the specified index. |
GetIdForIndex | Returns the ID for a specified index in the visible items source. |
GetIndexForId | Returns the index in the source of the item, by ID. |
GetParentId | Returns the parent ID of an item, by ID. |
GetRootItemIds | Returns the root items of the tree, by IDs. |
GetTreeItemsCount | Get the number of items in the whole tree. |
HasChildren | Return whether the item with the specified ID has one or more child. |
HasChildrenByIndex | Return whether the item with the specified index has one or more child. |
IsExpanded | Return whether the item with the specified ID is expanded in the tree. |
IsExpandedByIndex | Return whether the item with the specified index is expanded in the tree. |
Move | Moves an item by ID, to a new parent and child index. |
RebuildTree | Rebuilds the tree item data and regenerates wrappers to fill the source. |
TryRemoveItem | Removes an item by id. |
GetIdForIndex | Returns the id for the specified index. |
GetIndexForId | Returns the index for the specified id. |
GetItemForIndex | Returns the item with the specified index. |
GetItemsCount | Returns the expected item count in the source. |
SetView | Sets the view for this controller. |
Method | Description |
BindItem | Binds a row to an item index. |
DestroyItem | Destroys a VisualElement when the view is rebuilt or cleared. |
MakeItem | Creates a VisualElement to use in the virtualization of the collection view. |
PrepareView | Initialization step once the view is set. |
RaiseItemIndexChanged | Invokes the itemIndexChanged event. |
RaiseItemsSourceChanged | Invokes the itemsSourceChanged event. |
SetItemsSourceWithoutNotify | Set the itemsSource without raising the itemsSourceChanged event. |
UnbindItem | Unbinds a row to an item index. |
Event | Description |
itemIndexChanged | Raised when an item in the source changes index. The first argument is source index, second is destination index. |
itemsSourceChanged | Raised when the itemsSource changes. |