Method |
Description |
Arc |
Adds an arc to the current sub-path to the provided position, radius and angles.
ArcTo |
Adds an arc to the current sub-path to the provided position using a control point.
BeginPath |
Begins a new path and empties the list of recorded sub-paths.
BezierCurveTo |
Adds a cubic bezier curve to the current sub-path to the provided position using two control points.
Clear |
When created as a detached painter, clears the current content. Does nothing otherwise.
ClosePath |
Closes the current sub-path with a straight line. If the sub-path is already closed, this does nothing.
Dispose |
Dispose the Painter2D object and free its internal unmanaged resources.
Fill |
Fills the currently defined path.
The fill rule (non-zero or odd-even) to use. Default is non-zero.
LineTo |
Adds a straight line to the current sub-path to the provided position.
MoveTo |
Begins a new sub-path at the provied coordinate.
QuadraticCurveTo |
Adds a quadratic bezier curve to the current sub-path to the provided position using a control point.
SaveToVectorImage |
Saves the content of this Painter2D to a VectorImage object.
Stroke |
Strokes the currently defined path.