class in UnityEngine.UIElements
Inherits from:UIElements.BaseUxmlFactory_2
Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule
Implements interfaces:IBaseUxmlFactory, IUxmlFactory
Generic base class for UXML factories, which instantiate a VisualElement using the data read from a UXML file.
The type of the element that will be instantiated. It must derive from VisualElement.
The traits of the element that will be instantiated. It must derive from UxmlTraits.
Method | Description |
Create | Instantiate an object of type T0 and initialize it by calling T1 UxmlTraitsInit method. |
Property | Description |
canHaveAnyAttribute | Returns UxmlTraitscanHaveAnyAttribute (where UxmlTraits is the argument for T1). |
substituteForTypeName | Returns an empty string if T0 is not VisualElement; otherwise, returns "VisualElement". |
substituteForTypeNamespace | Returns the namespace for substituteForTypeName. |
substituteForTypeQualifiedName | Returns the fully qualified name for substituteForTypeName. |
uxmlAttributesDescription | Returns an empty enumerable. |
uxmlChildElementsDescription | Returns an empty enumerable. |
uxmlName | Returns the type name of T0. |
uxmlNamespace | Returns the namespace name of T0. |
uxmlQualifiedName | Returns the type fully qualified name of T0. |
uxmlType | Returns the type of T0. |
Method | Description |
AcceptsAttributeBag | Returns true. |