Version: 2022.3
  • C#


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public static bool TryGetProperty(TContainer container, ref Unity.Properties.PropertyPath path, out Unity.Properties.IProperty property);


container The container tree to search.
path The property path to resolve.
property When this method returns, contains the property associated with the specified path, if the property is found; otherwise, null.


bool <see langword="true" /> if the property was found at the specified path; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.


Gets an IProperty on the specified container for the given PropertyPath.

While the container data is not actually read from or written to. The container itself is needed to resolve polymorphic fields and list elements.


public static bool TryGetProperty(ref TContainer container, ref Unity.Properties.PropertyPath path, out Unity.Properties.IProperty property, out Unity.Properties.VisitReturnCode returnCode);


container The container tree to search.
path The property path to resolve.
property When this method returns, contains the property associated with the specified path, if the property is found; otherwise, null.
returnCode When this method returns, contains the return code.


bool <see langword="true" /> if the property was found at the specified path; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.


Gets an IProperty on the specified container for the given PropertyPath.

While the container data is not actually read from or written to. The container itself is needed to resolve polymorphic fields and list elements.