Describes the various version control states an asset can have.
Property | Description |
None | The version control state is unknown. |
Local | The asset is not under version control. |
Synced | The asset is up to date. |
OutOfSync | A newer version of the asset is available on the version control server. |
Missing | The asset exists in version control but is missing on the local machine. |
CheckedOutLocal | The asset has been checked out on the local machine. |
CheckedOutRemote | The asset has been checked out on a remote machine. |
DeletedLocal | The asset has been deleted locally. |
DeletedRemote | The asset has been deleted on a remote machine. |
AddedLocal | The asset was locally added to version control. |
AddedRemote | Remotely this asset was added to version control. |
Conflicted | There is a conflict with the asset that needs to be resolved. |
LockedLocal | The asset is locked by the local machine. |
LockedRemote | The asset is locked by a remote machine. |
Updating | The state of the asset is currently being queried from the version control server. |
ReadOnly | The asset is read only. |
MetaFile | This instance of the class actaully refers to a .meta file. |
MovedLocal | The asset has been moved locally. |
MovedRemote | The asset has been moved on a remote machine. |
Unversioned | This asset is either ignored or doesn't exist in version control. |
Exclusive | Only a single user can checkout this asset |