Version: 2023.1
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.AI


Implemented in:UnityEngine.AIModule

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Represents a compact identifier for the data of a NavMesh node.

It is used in NavMeshQuery operations for pinpointing and getting access to relevant nodes in the NavMesh. Each node can be used by only one type of agent. See Also: NavMeshSurface.

This identifier becomes invalid once the node gets removed from the NavMesh, either by completely removing the surface or by modifying the surface in the node's immediate vicinity.

See Also: NavMeshQuery.IsValid.

Public Methods

EqualsReturns true if two PolygonId objects refer to the same NavMesh node.
GetHashCodeReturns the hash code for use in collections.
IsNullReturns true if the PolygonId has been created empty and has never pointed to any node in the NavMesh.


operator !=Returns true if two PolygonId objects refer to different NavMesh nodes or if only one of them is null.
operator ==Returns true if two PolygonId objects refer to the same NavMesh node or if they are both null.