Version: 2023.1
  • C#
Method group is Obsolete


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Obsolete Use SetScriptingDefineSymbols(NamedBuildTarget buildTarget, string defines) instead.


public static void SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(BuildTargetGroup targetGroup, string defines);
Obsolete Use SetScriptingDefineSymbols(NamedBuildTarget buildTarget, string[] defines) instead.


public static void SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(BuildTargetGroup targetGroup, string[] defines);


targetGroup The name of the group of devices.
defines Symbols for this group can be passed as an array or as a string separated by semicolons.


BuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbols instead.

Set user-specified symbols for script compilation for the given build target group.

The second argument, defines, is a string of preprocessor values. The values that this string contains is located in "Scripting Define Symbols". This can be located in the Configuration section of the PlayerSettings.

See Also: Platform Dependent Compilation.