Version: 2023.1
  • C#


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public void DrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int submeshIndex = 0, int shaderPass = -1, MaterialPropertyBlock properties = null);


mesh Mesh to draw.
matrix Transformation matrix to use.
material Material to use.
submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to render.
shaderPass Which pass of the shader to use (default is -1, which renders all passes).
properties Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock.


Add a "draw mesh" command.

Note that the rendered mesh will not have any lighting related shader data (light colors, directions, shadows, light and reflection probes etc.) set up. If the shader used by the material uses any lighting related variables, the results are undefined.

See Also: DrawRenderer, MaterialPropertyBlock.