Version: 2023.1
  • C#


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public bool isExplicitProvider;


This search provider is only active when specified explicitly using the filterId.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;

static class SearchProvider_isExplicitProvider
    internal static string type = "example_uppercase_isExplicitProvider";
    internal static string displayName = "example_UpperCase_isExplicitProvider";

    internal static SearchProvider CreateProvider()
        return new SearchProvider(type, displayName)
            filterId = "+",
            priority = 99999, // put example provider at a low priority
            isExplicitProvider = true,
            fetchItems = (context, items, provider) =>
                var expression = context.searchQuery;
                expression += " -> " + expression.ToUpper();

                items.Add(provider.CreateItem(context, context.searchQuery.ToUpper(), context.searchQuery.ToUpper(), expression, null, null));
                return null;

    public static void Run()
        using (var context = SearchService.CreateContext(""))
            // For the context of this example, we set the flag synchronous so we can get the results right away.
            context.options |= SearchFlags.Synchronous;
            // If we don't specify the filterId for an explicit provider, there will be no results.
            context.searchText = "uppercase String";

            var results = SearchService.GetItems(context);
            Debug.Log(results.Count); // 0;

            // Use the filterId for an explicit provider
            context.searchText = "+uppercase String";
            results = SearchService.GetItems(context);
            // There should be only one result with that specific description
            Debug.Log(results.Count); // 1;
            Debug.Log(results[0].description); // "uppercase String -> UPPERCASE STRING";