Version: 2023.2
  • C#


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public static bool coreUnityAssetPacksDownloaded;


Checks if all core Unity asset packs are downloaded.

Returns true if all core Unity asset packs are downloaded. Otherwise, returns false. This also returns false if the PlayCore plugin is missing. Core Unity asset packs are asset packs that Unity created automatically when it built the Android app bundle. Unity only creates core asset packs if you enable Split Application Binary in Player Settings. To safely access assets in the streaming assets path, resources directory, or to safely load any other scenes than the first, only access them after this method returns true. When the property returns false, you can check the download status of the core Unity asset packs. To do this, call GetCoreUnityAssetPackNames to get the array of core Unity asset pack names, then call GetAssetPackStatesAsync and pass in the names array. If the state indicates that the device has not yet downloaded an asset pack, or the device is not downloading an asset pack, call DownloadAssetPackAsync passing in the asset pack's name. If there are asset packs that have the WaitingForWifi status, you can ask the user to allow the application to download them using mobile data. To do this, call RequestToUseMobileDataAsync. If this property returns false and GetCoreUnityAssetPackNames returns an empty array, then your application does not have the PlayCore plugin. Unity should automatically add it as a dependency in unityLibrary's build.gradle file when it builds the Android application with asset packs. Read-only. Additional resources: AndroidAssetPacks.GetCoreUnityAssetPackNames.