Base class for defining a binding.
isDirty | When set to true, the binding instance updates during the next update cycle. When set to false, the binding instance updates only if a change is detected. |
updateTrigger | When set to BindingUpdateTrigger.EveryUpdate, the binding instance updates in every update, regardless of the data source version. |
MarkDirty | Notifies the binding system to process this binding. |
OnActivated | Called when the binding becomes active for a specific VisualElement. |
OnDataSourceChanged | Called when the resolved data source of a binding changes. |
OnDeactivated | Called when the binding is no longer active for a specific VisualElement. |
ResetPanelLogLevel | Resets the log level for binding failures on a panel to use the global setting. |
SetGlobalLogLevel | Sets the log level for all binding failures. |
SetPanelLogLevel | Sets the log level for binding failures on a panel. |